Sunday, September 21, 2014

Roxy in the Zoo

Austria Second part - Zoo
(Previously - Austria First part - Prater experience)

       As one of the oldest Zoo parks in Europe this Zoo has so much to offer. Original name of the Zoo is Tiergarten Schönbrunn. Tiergarten means Zoo garden. This park is one of most attractive parks because this is a home of rears and beautiful animals like Pandas & Koalas!! They have almost everything, Giant Pandas,  Hippos, including the rainforest house, the desert house as well as arctic section with Penguins! Also there are dark rooms with bats (rear mouse) which are flying free and all above your heads. It was exciting and scary at the same time. Animals have natural habitats. Whole Zoo is placed next to Schonbrunn palace as part of the imperial summer residence of Schönbrunn, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is the world's oldest zoo.
All information about ticket and opening hours you can find here;
Advice: Plan your visit as per plan of animal feeding - animal feeding info time;


Roxy dress ->
Primark sneakers ->
Pandora jewelry ->
Cameras GoPro & Nexus ->

        In August was all about Austria as I mentioned in previous post. This one refers to beautiful Zoo garden placed in center of Wien next to the Schonbrunn palace. If you want to see previous one - Prater experience, here you can find link.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yellow experience of Prater

This post and next two are all about traveling and discovering Austria/Österreich... First one refers to the most fun park - Prater.

The Prater is a large public park in Vienna's 2nd district (Leopoldstadt). The Wurstelprater amusement park, also called Prate, stands in one corner of the Wiener Prater and includes the Wiener Riesenrad. The Wiener Riesenrad was constructed in Y1897 and attract with tradition and beauty. The motto of the park is to have fun and enjoy yourself. About 250 attractions entertain you at the Vienna Prater, from casino automats to auto-drome rinks, ball toss and shooting booths, exciting roller coasters and ghost trains to flight simulators. We have joined some of them, it was full of adrenalin experience. All of attractions you can find here.  

My choice was outfit with vibrant colors - yellow shirt and striped skirt. Shoes without heels and big yellow bag so I can put all of necessary things for this adventure (phone, one camera, gopro stick etc :)) If we talk about attractions we were quite fascinated with attractions with water or in the water. It was very sunny and wet day.

All photos are taken with GoPro camera. Wear it, mount it, love it.